Help Your Baby Develop Langauge

You've taken the birthing classes and have loaded up on diapers.

You're ready for your little one to join you, but there is something the baby books, infant care classes or birthing classes haven't prepared you for.

How to support your baby's language development from day 1!

Fill the knowledge gap with Babbles and Beyond.

This self-paced online course teaches gold standard, researched backed strategies that parents and caregivers can use from the start!

Implementing these strategies help babies learn pre-talking skills that will set them up for their first words and may even give them a leg up!

The information in this course is applicable to all pre-verbal babies, especially those with vulnerable starts.

By learning and implementing the strategies outlined in the course, you will develop the confidence to guide your child's langauge development leading up to their first words!

Language Milestones for Baby
Language Milestone Tracker

No more need to worry and second guess if your child's communication skills are progressing!

A printable language milestone tracker covering skills from brith-12 months is included with the course.

This tool helps parents ensure that their child's communication skills are progressing and shows what skills to support next.

Easy to Implement Strategies

Kick self doubts and worries about supporting your baby's communication development to the curb!

You will grow your confidence in your ability to support your child's langauge development through your every day interactions.

You'll be ahead of the game by using strategies that should be taught to new parents before babies arrive, but are often only taught to parents after a problem has come to light.

Happy Baby
How to Use Songs To Support Communication Skills

Toss away insecurities about how you'll teach your baby to talk!

In addition to the amazingly powerful, simple, and effective strategies that you'll learn, you'll also add fun songs to your parenting tool box that will help your baby learn and use langauge.

Hi! I'm Michelle

As a parent of two young boys, I know how stressful parenting can be.

Especially when things don't go according to plan.

I never thought my children would experience medical issues that could complicate their communication development, but here we are a few years and LOTS of ear infections later.

Although both of my boys were impacted by hearing loss due to ear infections, I had peace of mind knowing I had been supporting their langauge development from the start.

Since the moment my babies arrived, I used the strategies that I learned through my professional practice as a pediatric speech and langauge pathologist to support their communication development.

Since my expertise is in identifying and treating speech and language delays and disorders, I often see children AFTER an issue has developed.

My goal now is to flip the script and teach parents evidenced based, gold standard speech and langauge strategies BEFORE there is even an issue.

You are and always will be your baby's first and most important teacher. You got this!